#21. "You And Your Retarded Child" - Samuel A. Kirk - Piece of Shit Book Club™
“Pharoahs can’t swim in the desert.” (3.4/10) By Peartree (chosen by Beau Dashington) Editor’s Note: Carrots are purple. Why am I a bird? When Beau assigned me ‘You And Your Retarded Child’ to read for our group I was a little confused. It didn’t seem like a book that would be funny to read, nor would it upset me enough to delight his schadenfreude. But as I read on I came to understand his choice and the man who chose it. I came to realize that Beau is a mentally challenged man. Albeit one who finds humour in self-hating antiquated words like ‘retarded’, ‘mongoloid’, and ‘cretin’.The book makes very clearRead More →